Our trainers


Savanna Baumgartner

I am a lover of all things health and wellness. This love is what fueled me to follow my dream and become a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer

Hello everyone! My name is Savanna Baumgartner. I am originally from Okinawa, Japan but grew up here in Biloxi, MS. I graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi with my Bachelor’s in Nutrition & Dietetics in 2019. I then completed my 1200-hour dietetic internship through the Gulf Coast Dietetic Internship and passed the national exam to become a licensed RD in 2020.

My goal is to help people achieve a healthier life by giving them the tools they need to be successful. If you are ready to change the way you look and feel, stop by Iron Works or contact me directly to set up an appointment!

I post free workouts, healthy recipes, and lifestyle tips on my Instagram page so feel free to check it out!


Sean Fayard

I specialize in lifestyle changes and body transformations. I’m also familiar with bodybuilding competition prep, strength, and conditioning, and powerlifting meet prep.

My name is Sean Fayard. I’ve been a certified personal trainer out of Iron Works gym for the last five 5 years. My certifications include CPT (certified personal trainer), CNS (a certified nutrition specialist), and F.A.K.T.R (Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehab).

I’ve trained people ranging from novice to advanced. I’m a competitive powerlifter and I myself have been morbidly obese so I know exactly what it takes to not only lose the weight but keep it off.

I started my fitness journey 8 years ago when I stepped on the scale and I weighed in at 270lbs. A few years in and I fell in love with the process and decided to become a personal trainer. I did it part-time until almost 3 years ago when I founded Empire Training and Nutrition. Since then my business has grown and I couldn’t see myself doing anything else.


Shea Fayard

I am an enthusiast for many things but living a fulfilling life is my biggest goal for all of my clients!

I am a certified personal trainer with over 10 years of experience. I am also CNS (Certified Nutrition Specialist), C.A. (Chiropractic Assistant), CCCA (Clinically Certified Chiropractic Assistant, and FAKTR (Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation) Certified. I work as a Physicians Assistant for Hardin Sport Medicine and Performance in Gulfport.

My training revolves around a mind, body, soul, transformation. In order to be our best selves, and live a fulfilling life it is important to be prepared for growth on all levels. With my lifestyle clients I teach mindfulness and personal growth along with their personal training sessions. I find this to be an important aspect in what I do because I have personally lived through trials and tribulations that required me to grow and take constant steps outside of my comfort zone.

I have personally struggled with Obesity, Graves Disease (thyroid disease), Depression, PTSD, severe social anxiety, and persistent panic attacks. After years of dealing with Doctors and the mind altering medications that they prescribe I have managed to find my own way of healing, FITNESS! I now use the knowledge that I have gained changing my own life to help others start their journey to living a beautiful, peaceful life.

I am an NPC Figure Competitor, and a USPA competitive powerlifter. I have a background in Olympic lifting as well as coaching cheerleading and gymnastics at the Jr. High and High School levels.

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